flexible Touchscreen templates
Templatizing touchscreen experiences
Role: UX Designer
When: July 2024
Duration: 1 Month
What: UX Architecture & Design
Healthcare consultancy group works with a variety of top pharmaceutical companies to create engaging, innovative touchscreen experiences for medical congresses throughout the year. Between the need for multiple rounds of MLOR (Medical, Legal, Office of Ethics, & Regulatory) reviews, and tight deadlines for upcoming congresses design needs to be done efficiently. My goal was to create a flexible, component based template that could work for different types of content and experiences and be made unique to each brand.
Flexible Layouts
Reserved content area
By using a reserved 16:9 placeholder for these templates, designers could create layouts that were sure to fit into the template, while applying styles to the functional components on the page.
Movable components
By creating a flexible navigation with movable and removable elements, the template could work for screens regardless of screen height or placement, or even other touchscreen devices like tablet. ​
Creating clear paths to relevant content
The templated touchscreen needed a navigation that would work regardless of the number of sections or required paths for each product. By using a standard navigation row that could be moved to the top or bottom of the screen depending on touchscreen height and placement, and an optional side navigation for surfacing sub sections in larger experiences I was able to create a template that could be manipulated for any amount of content
Next steps
As new challenges come in, new components are added to the library for future use continuing to make the process more efficient