Marriott RFP
New feature design
Role: UX Designer
When: November 2017
Duration: 2 Weeks
What: UX Research & Design

Marriott, the hotel & resort chain, requested a system that handles request for proposals (RFPs), the requests to receive rates, dates, and space information for up to three Marriott properties, that provides an entry-point for small groups to book directly online, and that is applicable across many different segments and languages.
Competitive Analysis
In order to gain a deeper understand of user needs for RFPs, I did competitive analysis on a number of RFP sites, including Cvent, Groupize, Four Seasons, Hilton, and more.
Some key takeaways include:
1) Users can plan based on a budget
2) Conversational language allows for easier experiences
3) Reviews & Wizards guide users in decision making
4) Clear language and definitions help users coming from different backgrounds
5) Intuitive system allowing users to add/remove hotels with + and check marks
6) More detail being provided up front to assist users in making decisions and answer questions beforehand
7) Tools being provided (like the capacity calculator) help users before submitting an RFP

Journey Maps
The journey map reflects the entire RFP process from start to finish. Yellow represents an individual who is planning an events pre-event needs, green represents the RFP creation process, and blue represents Marriott’s process after an RFP has been submitted.
By focusing on the needs of users before, and the needs of Marriott after, we were able to ensure no information was missing on either end.
Below the high level journey map is a map (in green) defining the journey for a user once they are ready to submit an RFP.

User Flow
Based on the journey maps, I created a user flow to represent the users path through the RFP process. This flow includes choice options, including the option to attach an RFP they have already created, or create or login to an account.

Equipped with user flows, I created wireframes that allowed users to create an event profile, add guest accommodation needs, and event amenity needs.